Organic Alternatives Increases Efficiency Using PoST
Learn how Fort Collins, CO retailer, Organic Alternatives, embraces automation and keeps cash in the bank using LeafLink’s Payment on Sell-Through (PoST).

Company Overview

The Challenge
As an independent retailer, Organic Alternatives was processing $125K+ of orders and invoices each month, and their freelance bookkeeper was struggling to keep up. When LeafLink suggested trying Payment on Sell-Through (PoST), COO Kirk Scramstad knew he needed a change.
“I had an ongoing issue where bills were getting paid late, notat all, or even twice in some cases. It was a mess. The idea of reducing the room for error—that was appealing to me.”
Kirk Scramstad
COO, Organic Alternatives
Long story short, paying bills as a cannabis business is complicated and time consuming.
“We were receiving 20 deliveries per week and nearly all of our payment options were flawed. Getting checks from our bank is a hassle, transporting cash is risky. Our bank has a digital bill pay tool, but we’re capped at $9,999.99 per payment. It just wasn’t working.”
The Solution
Kirk was one of the first retailers in Colorado on PoST. In addition to automating tedious manual work and removing room for error, PoST has the added benefit of keeping more cash in the retailer’s bank account. By pulling sell-through data directly from Metrc, PoST allows Organic Alternatives to only pay for inventory as it sells to the end consumer. This frees up cash that normally is tied up in unsold inventory, so it can be used for other business expenses.
“In this environment, you need to retain as much cash as you can. With PoST, the software is directly tied to Metrc so you’re able to retain your cash until inventory actually sells.”
The Results

What’s Next?
In addition to getting some of his larger sellers on the platform, Kirk plans to take a closer look at the sell-through data that each PoST order provides. He knows there is opportunity to use this data to fine tune his ordering and drive more sales in partnership with the brands.
Learn more about PoST or request a demo.