December Flash Highlights: Everything You Need To Know
Each month LeafLink publishes the Flash, sharing data-driven insights into topics like category sales, state-by-state performance, and pricing analysis. Keep reading for highlights from the latest edition.
Concentrates are gaining market share… and getting more expensive
While Flower remained the #1 category in terms of market share on LeafLink this month, Concentrates gained 3.2 percentage points to reach a 14.3% share of the market.
The category is also getting more expensive, with prices increasing 11.4% on average through November. The average price ended 13.3% higher than the previous high seen for Concentrates.
It’s a great time to be selling Flower in Missouri
Every month, we measure relative competitiveness of a product category by looking at the number of brands selling a given category in each of our seven key states, and comparing with the market share for that category.
Flower in Missouri was our least competitive category across all of the states analyzed this month, making up 44% of total sales while only being sold by 30% of brands – which means there is a lot of opportunity for brands entering the space to carve out their own share of the market.
Transaction volume per brand is up year-over-year
LeafLink also looks at brand performance through transaction volume as part of the Flash. In November transaction volume increased by 5.3% when compared the same period last year.
For more in-depth wholesale cannabis insights and analysis, check out our latest edition and subscribe to get everything you need to know delivered to your inbox each month.
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